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Number Review

Number ReviewPDF InstructionsPrefer a PDF? Just click the button below and you can download or view a PDF version of this activity. Download PDF InstructionsIntroduction:When trying to jump a hurdle, it is important to identify the problem, set appropriate goals, and effectively communicate those goals to others. This activity shows students the importance of creating […]

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PersnicketyPDF InstructionsPrefer a PDF? Just click the button below and you can download or view a PDF version of this activity. Download PDF InstructionsIntroduction:The word “persnickety” is a fun word to say, and this activity is a fun way of looking at how we make choices. It might be a good introduction to explain to

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Photo Finish

Photo FinishPDF InstructionsPrefer a PDF? Just click the button below and you can download or view a PDF version of this activity. Download PDF InstructionsIntroduction:This activity is a fun way to require students to coordinate, work together, problem solve and ultimately succeed. Students will be required to create a photo finish by crossing a finish

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Lean On Me

Lean On MePDF InstructionsPrefer a PDF? Just click the button below and you can download or view a PDF version of this activity. Download PDF InstructionsIntroduction:This activity requires students to make a circle and hold hands. Every other student will lean forward while the others lean backward. The goal is to reach a state of

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Luck of the Dice

Luck of the DicePDF InstructionsPrefer a PDF? Just click the button below and you can download or view a PDF version of this activity. Download PDF InstructionsIntroduction:Life is not always fair, but we can choose how we react to the challenges it gives us. This activity will show participants how they respond to unfair situations. 

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